Senin, 17 November 2008

What is Yoga and Benefits?

Supine pose exercises are done lying flat on your back. They improve the abdominal muscles.
Prone pose exercises are done lying flat with face facing the ground. These exercises are designed to strengthen back muscles
Relaxation poses help to calm your mind and body and produce relaxation.
What is Hatha Yoga?
The main goal of Hatha yoga is to purify the human spirit and have a healthy mind. But a healthy mind is not possible without a healthy body. Hatha yoga helps the to condition the body to a level of fitness that allows for the purification of the spirit. The exercise in Hatha yoga are made up of a series of Asanas. An asana is a combination of stretching exercise, breathing technique and concentration. The popular Lotus position is an asana of Hatha yoga.
Guide to Yoga Mats
Yoga exercise is practised on a yoga mat. Yoga mats of all types and colors are available in th market. One often sprinkles some water on them to prevent slipping and sliding during exercise. Some mats are extra thick and provide a better cushion which is helpful for certain types of yoga exercises. Yoga mats designed for travellers are very thin allowing them to be easily packed. Cotton mats are good for yoga exercises that involve lot of sweating such as with Bikram yoga.

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