It's a known fact that supplements such as vitamins help a persons skin and overall well being. Often the reason people take supplements is because they lack nutrients in their daily diet and vitamins and supplements correct that imbalance.Our bodies simply put do not get all they need everyday of our lives and a lack in balance could result in muscle loss, over all weight gain from poor nutritional habits, dry skin, graying hair and much more.If you saw two people the same age standing beside one another and say one person took supplements and had a healthy diet and exercise program. The person next them didn't exercise at all and ate poorly. I can bet you would see a difference in that persons appearance.
I am willing to bet that the person that did not care of themselves as good as the other person would look considerably older than person who takes care of themselves.These factors play a role in one looking older than their years, also showing the abuse in their health. You would definitely be able to spot this to a certain extent.Taking a step toward change by eating a healthy diet and creating a healthy exercise program. It is your first step to winding back the clock. Try eating more raw fibrous foods that are colorful in nature. The more color your food has the more vitamins your getting. Try fresh veggies, fruits and lot's of water to keep the skin hydrated and healthy.The bad thing about today's food is it is man made. Here is my motto, if it is man made meaning engineered by man, don't eat it. Stick to food grown from natural soil and earth.Go with pure water fish and natural beef. Try and avoid bio engineered animal products whenever possible.Supplements, they are not only important for the extra vitamins and minerals. They give our bodies balance and help us have sustained energy.
If you start neglecting your body and start noticing grey hair and dry skin chances are your not getting enough nutrients in your body and it is out of balance. By adding supplements to your lifestyle you look and feel a lot better. This is because your body will be in better overall balance.Now that you know you need supplements which are the best ones for you to take? Well you should always take a multi vitamin along with an antioxidant and mineral complex.Start there, those are the basics and then look to add more supplementation later on depending on how you are feeling. Look for changes in skin, energy and overall health.
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