Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

Just Because Your Weight is Perfect Does Not Mean You Are Not Fat

If you thought that weight was everything, be prepared to be shocked. There is no doubt that most of you might have seen the chart at the doctor's office which mentions the weight of a normal human body according to their age. You have just taken your weight and have observed that it was within the stipulated parameters. So there is no need for you to get dismayed, right? You might be wrong too. Few people bother to note that there is another column that mentions the height of the body too. This is extremely important and you should check out this column too. If your height is not sufficient and your body weight is as per the chart, then there are chances that you are fat.It is high time you started fighting this silent killer before it devours you. Do not be your own judge. There are many fitness centers in your city with knowledgeable instructors who can judge whether your body fat is within limits or not. They are also the proper person to guide you with various exercises and dietary routines that will help you to maintain a slim and healthy body. The first thing, however, that you need to observe and keep a watch out on, is your dietary habits. Try to cut down on the fatty junk foods, as they are the prime reasons of increasing your body weight. Yes, that slim and thin wafer of potato contains sufficient fat to make you fat, if consumed beyond a certain limit. Limit is the key word.You can eat any food as long as you keep them within a certain limit. The trick lies in being the master and not the slave. A brisk exercise at the beginning of the day and in the evening plays a long part in keeping you fit and stops fat from accumulating in your body. Many people think that fat loss is tiresome and might make them sick and undernourished, but this is not true. Yes, there are certain exercises that might not suit your body and you should first consult your physician or health instructor to select ones that are best for you. A chat with the dietician helps too. There are various supplements and fat loss pills and some of them do work wonders in helping to burn away the excess fat in your body.But again, they should be taken after consultation with your physician. Remember, it is not tough to remove excessive fat from your body. All you need to do is to maintain a strict exercise routine and maintain it regularly. Within a few days you will feel the difference and feel the pep returning in your body as the fat melts away. Nobody likes fat and nobody wants a big tummy. Everyone loves to be slim and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Most do not know how easy it is to maintain a slim figure and that just spending a few minutes daily will help them achieve the same.

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008

How Chlorella Can Help the Everyday Diet With Bioavailable Vitamins and More

Each food we eat has a different, specific effect on the body. Meat and fish are rich in protein and help to build the body's muscle structure, while carbohydrate foods like bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta are rich in sugar and are instantly converted to energy and also stored for energy. Vegetables and fruits have an abundant amount of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiver, and antioxidants that help other foods to do their jobs. Because each food has its own role in the body, getting the correct amount of each food is vital.One doctor suggests that what and how much to eat should be determined by the number and shape of the teeth. Since humans have four canine teeth for chewing meats, eight incisor teeth for vegetables and fruits, and 20 molar and pre-molar teeth for grinding staple foods, the ration should be meat one, vegetables two, and staple foods five for a well balanced ratio of eating.However, today's typical diet is far from being well-balanced.
Vegetables are usually what lack most in diets, which regulate the body. Because of this, meat dishes and staple foods can't do their jobs and instead, remain in the body as fat, making improperly metabolized food cause disease. This unbalanced diet means that food becomes body fat and increased body fat causes hyperlipema, which clogs the blood with fat, but also raises the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis.Chlorella can be used to effectively supply the body with nutrients that are identical to vegetables. With eating being one of life's joys, it is only human instinct to want to eat a lot of delicious food. This desire often influences our lives. However, eating an unbalanced diet can increase excessive body fat, leading to a variety of diseases. Along with balancing the diet, chlorella is able to cleanse the blood by eliminating the excess fat and making blood vessels more flexible. This helps to lower cholesterol in the blood and liver.
Chlorella also has the ability to improve hypertension, improve diabetes, protect against arteriosclerosis, prevent stomach ulcers, and prevent anemia.The human digestive system is responsible for taking in necessary nutrients for the maintenance of life. The intestines can be considered the entrance to the body, where nutrients from food are absorbed. However, intestines are also the entrance for toxins, which can lead to various diseases such as colon cancer, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, cystitis, poor skin, headaches, dizziness, stiff shoulders, stomachaches, insomnia, anorexia, hemorrhoids, allergies, and lowered immunity. Some common toxins include dioxins, heavy metals, residual agricultural chemicals, food additives, and prescription drugs. All of these materials are highly absorbable, highly residual in the body, and not easily detoxified by just the liver.It's necessary to improve liver metabolism to detoxify and regulate the environment inside the body. Chlorella is able to detoxify the body by boosting liver metabolism and detoxify the poisons that are highly residual and not able to be detoxified by the liver. As a detoxifier, chlorella is responsible for the detoxification of PCBs, excretion of dioxin, detoxification of heavy metals, and improvement of constipation. Have you had your chlorella today?

Supplements Help You Live Longer & Look Younger

It's a known fact that supplements such as vitamins help a persons skin and overall well being. Often the reason people take supplements is because they lack nutrients in their daily diet and vitamins and supplements correct that imbalance.Our bodies simply put do not get all they need everyday of our lives and a lack in balance could result in muscle loss, over all weight gain from poor nutritional habits, dry skin, graying hair and much more.If you saw two people the same age standing beside one another and say one person took supplements and had a healthy diet and exercise program. The person next them didn't exercise at all and ate poorly. I can bet you would see a difference in that persons appearance.
I am willing to bet that the person that did not care of themselves as good as the other person would look considerably older than person who takes care of themselves.These factors play a role in one looking older than their years, also showing the abuse in their health. You would definitely be able to spot this to a certain extent.Taking a step toward change by eating a healthy diet and creating a healthy exercise program. It is your first step to winding back the clock. Try eating more raw fibrous foods that are colorful in nature. The more color your food has the more vitamins your getting. Try fresh veggies, fruits and lot's of water to keep the skin hydrated and healthy.The bad thing about today's food is it is man made. Here is my motto, if it is man made meaning engineered by man, don't eat it. Stick to food grown from natural soil and earth.Go with pure water fish and natural beef. Try and avoid bio engineered animal products whenever possible.Supplements, they are not only important for the extra vitamins and minerals. They give our bodies balance and help us have sustained energy.
If you start neglecting your body and start noticing grey hair and dry skin chances are your not getting enough nutrients in your body and it is out of balance. By adding supplements to your lifestyle you look and feel a lot better. This is because your body will be in better overall balance.Now that you know you need supplements which are the best ones for you to take? Well you should always take a multi vitamin along with an antioxidant and mineral complex.Start there, those are the basics and then look to add more supplementation later on depending on how you are feeling. Look for changes in skin, energy and overall health.